Geek things done by me (Just a few to list).
* Bookepdia (August 2015)
Webapp using django framework. Webapp displays multiple image on home page, of multiple items. Hovering on image displays item’s name. Clicking on each image opens a webpage with brief description of the content related to item. Link to the project
* Project Euler (July 2015)
Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Link to the project
* RssReader (August 2015)
A webapp to read Rss from almost any given url.It is developed using python webframework( Link to the project
* Bus Reservation System (March 2013-May 2013)
This was the part of my academic project developed in C which provided a basic GUI for reserving the tickets.It has two portals one for admin to edit /change the bus details and the other was for customer to the bus tickets.
* TaxionDemand (ongoing) (March 2016)
A webapp that finds the nearest taxi based on location and provides pickup and drop service. Developed using RubyonRails and uses the gem ‘geokitrails’. Link to the project